R.I.P happiness

we all know nothing can last forever.. or even start properly in the cases of things that actually matter.

forever is only a perception of lasting that needs to be shared. it means nothing if it isn't shared.. and rarely... no, never can someone's forever match another's. and therefore the concept of forever is just a concept. the idea of consistency in anything is make believe. it doesn't happen.. so get used to it.

forever can only be a string of moments that seem to never end. one way or the other, it always ends. either through one side giving up in the belief of a concept, or the belief never being there in the first place and that word being a concept of overactive imagination and well constructed lies.

but it's fun.

the kind of fun a roller coaster would be that smashes your chest against an awkwardly out reached pole after about a minute. it is fun.. great fun. if you think too much about the inevitable, about the pole coming towards you then you don't enjoy the ride.

you might as well, it is the only and last one you will get.

it's inevitable.. get going. enjoy it. love the forever whilst it is there, because i can guarantee you it won't last long.

oh.. and awkwardly out reached poles hurt.